Where to go next after graduation?

Guest Post by: Leeanne

I often see questions on where to go once you have graduated as a Yoga instructor. 

Once we graduate it can be hard to get a foot in the door. 

“ I also found it hard , your not alone

I remember not really knowing how to go about landing teaching jobs once I graduated but I kept contacting places like gyms, community centres and sending out my resume with my qualifications etc and I did manage to get a few teaching jobs and it built up from there. But it definitely wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. 

After trying and trying my husband and I sat down and said it’s got to be easier than this to get work. We put our heads together and created groups on Facebook called “CoverMe Yoga” we have them mostly in Australian states and Territories and also numerous international countries. These groups are where you will find requests for covers and sometimes permanent teaching roles. A great place for a teaching community to connect and support each other. These groups took off really well, so we wanted to take it further and help more instructors not just in the Yoga community and not just of Facebook. Our website CoverMe Employment Solutions was born. 

CoverMe Employment Solutions is not a recruitment agency but a platform to post jobs / Covers required for your classes no matter what fitness circle you teach in. We built the site for our members to become a community and work together to fill classes and permanent teaching jobs. The more members we have and use our website will help us grow. We offer a looking for work page where you can put up your availability for members to easily contact you, a resume page to

Upload for members to locate your qualifications quicker, a blog page to help share tips and blogs if you’re a blogger, a mentor page for if you’re looking to be a mentor or looking for one to help you develop as an instructor. 

We have also started to branch out in non-fitness areas as well. 

We offer free use of our website as we know how tight cash can be when looking for work and we rely on the sign ups and use of our site for us to grow to one of Australia’s biggest and best go to site for covering classes.